Dispute Mediation Services in the Bay of Plenty and Waikato Regions

IPI Dispute Mediation services resolve outstanding accounts by addressing the cause of the debt not just the symptoms.

Dispute Mediation

IPI Dispute Mediation services resolve outstanding accounts by addressing the cause of the debt not just the symptoms.

The result of this is not only a very high success rate but a quick turnaround and a massive reduction in reputational damage to the creditor through proper resolution not confrontation.

IPI Group's experienced debt mediators have resolved nearly 2000 contentious debts so far, with no reputational damage experienced by our clients meaning no negative Google reviews, complaints or threats of any kind, even in extremely volatile situations.

IPI Group Mediators are experienced and trained field agents and use these skills to conduct mediation. We are all licenced through the Ministry of Justice PSPLA system.

What we don't do:

  • We do not send out a series of letters in the hope that the debtor will decide to pay and then send a large bill to our client.
  • We do not employ overseas call centres to harass debtors with frequent calls to annoy them to pay.

IPI Dispute Mediation Services will consider any case over $5,000 with no upper limit and specialise in disputed accounts that would normally be referred to the disputes tribunal ( under $30,000 ) or to the district court ( over $30,000 ) in total outstanding value.

If this sounds like a service that you or your clients could benefit from, please complete the form in our contact us, tab.